Tenants Global View

The following figure illustrates the screen elements and fields in the All Services page.

The Multitenant Services screen displays a quick glance status and monitoring summary of the customer-specific tenants.



Total Available Licensed Users and Customers

Total number of available services licenses for the Live Platform instance.
Total number of available user licenses for the Live Platform instance.

SysAdminKit Info

The wyUpdate installation SysadminKit version of the Multitenant (Main Tenant). See Upgrading Main UMP-365 Tenant.


The name of the deployed service.


The customer Deployment status. One of the following values:


See Deploy Status and Status Indicators

Sysadmin Info

The wyUpdate installation Customer adminKit version of the customer tenant. See Upgrading Customer Tenant.
The date of the last database replication for the customer tenant.
SysAdmin link to open the Customer tenant portal for the service (see Day Two Management using the Service Portal). Note when you hover over the SysAdmin link the unique customer URL is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The green rectangle indicates the SSO Session Id of the Service Provider tenant Single Sign-on login from the Live Platform and the purple rectangle indicates the unique Id in the Live Platform database for the customer service (UmpCustomerGuid).

License Type (Licensed Users)

The type of license and number of users licenses for each type:

Hosted Essentials
Hosted Essentials +
Hosted Pro
OC Essential
OC Pro

User Actions pane

Edit User Licenses (Configuring Number of Licensed Users)
Delete customer
Upgrade (see Upgrading Direct Routing Service)
Perform manual database synchronization (Queue Replication)

Alarm Notifications

Click Notifications icon to display Active alarms for the user.

User credentials

Displays the credentials of the logged in user.

Queued commands status

Queued commands: Indicates whether commands are in waiting for processing.
Executing commands: Indicates whether any commands are currently executing.
Replication in progress: Indicates if the database replication is in progress. See (Queue Replication) and Monitoring M365 Replication Actions Queue.

Multitenant Navigation pane

All Services (this screen)
Operator Connect
New Leads (Managing Leads and Tenant Services) and Day Two Tenant management.
OC Number Management (Operator Connect Number Management)
Calling Profile (Managing Calling Profiles)
Alarms (Managing Alarms)
Queued Tasks (Queued Tasks)
Operator Connect
OC Sync Tasks (Synchronizing Operator Connect Jobs)
Jobs Monitor (Jobs Monitor)
OC Settings (Managing Operator Connect Settings
Authentication Status (Authentication Status)
Pending Invitations (Pending Invitations)
System Settings (UMP System Settings)
License ( Multitenant Portal Licensing)

-Invitation Settings (Configuring Invitation Settings)

-Email Server Settings (Configuring Email Settings)

DNS API Configuration (Configure DNS API)
SBC (Managing SBC Devices
Script Templates (Managing Onboarding Script Templates)
OVOC page (see Networking)
Customer Leads (Managing Leads and Tenant Services)
Number Management (Operator Connect Number Management)
Jobs Monitor (Jobs Monitor)
Calling Profile (Managing Calling Profiles)

Customer Shortname

The customer shortname defined in the Onboarding.


Opens the Customer portal for the selected tenant (see Day Two Management using the Service Portal).


Enables the configuration of the number of licensed users for the customer tenant (see Configuring Number of Licensed Users).


Deletes the customer tenant.

Undo Deployment

Reverts an Operator Connect customer back to a lead (removes the license) (see Undo Deployment).

Queue Replication

Synchronizes the database with Microsoft 365 (see Queue Replication).

Upgrade Service

Direct Routing Service: Opens the Onboarding Wizard for upgrading the customer to Hosted Essentials+ or Hosted Pro (see Upgrading Direct Routing Service).
Operator Connect Service: See Upgrading to OC Essentials Plus or OC Pro